Leviathan of the Desert, the volatile unknown

The research that gives rise to the first video in the series and Leviathan of the Desert, the unknown Volatile (2013) arises from the intention of collecting various representations of UFOs through the history of our civilization, which subsequently analyze performances from various plastic materials such as cardboard, plaster and metals, which result in retained earnings of scale models and audiovisual prototypes. During this research I found that mentioned aerial objects present variations in their shape and form as they pass from one historical epoch to another. That is why we are revealed as a product of man to be pared with the aesthetics of each period of time and not as evidence of size or alternative worlds to ours, except in the «beyond» beings with strangers clap materials and styles at the same time with us [1]. While the imagination always has a hint of verifiable life, what I propose is rather a review of related models and how they are the result of the imagination and interpretation of the human being an «other» as a way of resolving or calm, just barely, his eagerness to know more than what is already known.

In relationship to how they describe, present or represented by these flying objects, there is a pattern in form and condition have mostly ovoid or circular structure and float. Other times are lights, though often confused with the signals from the aircraft at night or probing exercises the Navy. That is why I preferred to limit my work to the first class «ships» that I mentioned, which is the saucer type group, being more intriguing because of its much more unique appearance.
For the first video in this series, what I do is build a contemporary model standard spacecraft, traveled to the outskirts of the city of Santiago and took him to the top of a hill of Maria Pinto.
Leviathan of Deserts and volatile unknown are two of the name given by witnesses of what is believed, according to many specialized media, was the first UFO sighting in modern times. The phenomenon took place, according to the newspaper The Constituent Assembly in 1868 on the outskirts of Copiapó, Chile. It was in the newspaper in which he described the circumstances of the event, told by an employee of the «Mina Ghost», close to the city, the March 16, 1868.

[1] Or change the «aliens» ship model as we stop using Citronetes  to get on a Chevrolet Corsa?

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