
Giuliana Furci


Giuliana María Furci George-Nascimento has focused in mycology since 1999. Her unavoidable vocation of knowing and spreading the knowledge of Chilean fungi has taken her to travel through the country looking for species in different areas and ecosystems. In 2007 she publishes Fungi Austral – Guía de campo de los hongos más vistosos de Chile, only Chilean fungi book with photographs of each specie in its habitat. She has collabed in different publications in which Biodiversidad de Chile, patrimonio y desafíos (CONAMA, 2006 y 2008) stands out. At the moment, she is directing Fundación Fungi, a non profit organization, which purpose is  to investigate, conserve and spread the knowledge of organisms of the fungi kingdom. It also collaborates with different national and international institutions in topics related to mycology.