The Free Mediatheque arises within the context of Digital Culture Platform as an observatory and dynamic repository of content in spanish related to the intersection art, science, technology and society. Its contents are always expanding, making it an autonomous flexible evolution organism.
It is composed of audiovisual interviews of pioneer producers and current filmmakers and texts published with Creative Commons licenses. On the whole delivers an organic field for reflection for the introduction and deepening to this field of research, and constantly aims to build new content related to the cultural contingency, theoretical, academic, economic and political paradigms for the affiliation among culture, society and technology.
Another important goal is to provide the research community and the general public, a space of convergence of ideas, debates and conversations, promoting the self-cross dialogue between professionals and self-taught of different areas.
IS preceded by the Digital Culture Platform mediatheque, a collection of about 800 books, movies, cd-roms, documents and other resources. The Free Mediatheque is the virtual mirror, and aims to democratize public content and make it free.
Free Mediatheque is funded with contributions from 2010 Fondart contest, management of Digital Culture Platform and Chilean Video Corporation.
Free Mediatheque website.